Introducing Collin de Graag, one of the top boomerang crafters in the world!

en 27 jun 2024

There are many crafters of custom made boomerangs in the world and some are true artists and craftsmen. Collin de Graag, of Zeeland province in The Netherlands, might be the very best of current boomerang artists. We have been following his creations for years and bought several for our own personal collection. His boomerangs are real collectors items and we feel privileged to have even been given the opportunity to buy one as he rarely sells his creations. He's not in it as a commercial business and has no interest in pursuing it. 

Collin's boomerangs take many hours to create and are works of art as much as boomerangs but they are definitely real boomerangs. It is a joy even to just look at them. Here is one of our personal favorite boomerangs from Collin, a special laminated wood boomerang: 



Collin is one of the few crafters that make "strip lam" boomerangs which are incredibly durable with unique wood crafting techniques. He takes wood and glues it together and then cuts the wood sideways to create unique wood strains and just incredibly durable wood creations. The process takes days to perform and is a craft in itself. Some of his strip lams include slices of colored pencils for creative effect.

Collin is a great visual artist with custom painted boomerangs being some of his best creations in special shapes with custom painted art and even sound features. Collin is very tech savvy and makes unique technology boomerang creations and special shapes.   




He has done some incredible boomerangs with light and sound such as his Medusa boomerang with LED lights for eye and sound features:




A collection of Collin's boomerangs have been displayed in a museum exhibit as shown in this boomerang video:



The boomerang community is made up of all sorts of enthusiasts from athletes to hobbyist to unique craftsmen like Collin de Graag. It is an incredibly diverse group of individuals but it is common place for many boomerang "friends" to give each other boomerangs just spontaneously. It is not unusual to see a facebook post of a friend in the community who has recieved a custom made boomerang shared by a friend in the community.  There are subgroups interested in the physics of boomerangs and a boomerang art community. Most of all, all of us believe that what goes around, comes back around!

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