Boomerangs are sports articles, NOT toys! Proper safety must ALWAYS be used when throwing. Every boomerang we ship comes with a 1 page double-sided Boomerang Manual, including safety guidelines. Boomerangs are a technique based sport, involving a lot of spin on your boomerang for a proper return. You don't necessarily have to throw it hard. Throw it with maximum spin! The spin is what creates lift and helps the boomerang return. Learning to throw safely will reward you with more fun, and make you a better throwers also. Few things are cooler than seeing that boomerang take a turn and head right back at you! Remember, YOU are the target!
Safety Tips!
- Only ONE Boomerang should be thrown at a time. Make sure that anyone else standing around is at least 50 yards away in all directions and that they are paying attention while you are throwing.
- Children should only throw when there is an adult present to supervise.
- Never throw your Boomerang at or to someone.
- Always throw in large, open spaces; free of trees, buildings, cars, people, and anything else your Boomerang could hit or get stuck in. We recommend an open area at least the size of a football field of open space in each directions (100 yards x 100 yards is ideally recommended and much more space is needed for some competition boomerangs).
- Competition level boomerangs should only be thrown by experienced throwers. They require more space to throw in as they are capable of going up to 200 yards away. They often spin faster and can be dangerous for a novice thrower. Yes, that's right...up to 200 yards away with a return for some Long Distance Boomerangs!
- Never throw your boomerang in windy or gusty conditions, especially while you are trying to learn how to throw. A still, mild wind is ideal.
- Protective Eyewear should be worn when throwing or catching boomerangs.
- Never catch your Boomerang at eye-level. Always wait until the Boomerang is below shoulder height before attempting to catch.
- Never throw your Boomerang laid out flat like a frisbee. The Boomerang should always be held nearly vertical on release to avoid dangerous diving and swooping flights.
- If you are just learning to throw, don't throw too hard at first. For most Boomerangs, a half-powered throw is usually enough to get the boomerang to return. As you get more experienced you can add more power to your throw to get longer flights and ranges.