Expert Boomerangs

The sport of boomerangs has many expert boomerang products. From boomerangs designed for Maximum Time Aloft ( MTA ), we have some boomerangs which can stay in the air for a minute or more ( the world record is over 14 minutes! ). There are Long Distance Boomerangs with the maximum distance record for a returning boomerang being 238 meters. Imagine throwing a boomerang the lengths of over 2 football fields and watching it return! Other competition boomerangs are Accuracy Boomerangs, Aussie Round Boomerangs, Trick Catch Boomerangs and Fast Catch Boomerangs!

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Expert Boomerangs


Indoor Firefly Boomerangs - Blue or Red

Regular price $12.00 CAD Sale price $12.00 CAD (1 votes)